world's first self-chilling can cools warm drinks by pressing the button under it

world's first self-chilling can cools warm drinks by pressing the button under it

Self-chilling Cool Can makeS drinks icy on-the-go


Self-chilling Cool Can makes room temperature and warm drinks icy by pressing the button under it. Made by the London-based startup deltaH Innovations, the dubbed world-first packaging has water in the aluminum base. When users press the button, it mixes with the salt components embedded in the self-chilling Cool Can’s walls. Then, it almost instantly chills the container. The startup says that once activated, the can can stay cold for up to 45 minutes.


So far, the team shares that the self-chilling Cool Can can quickly bring down the temperature of drinks from 22 to six or seven degrees Celsius. The water in the base is separated from the actual drink inside the container, so the salt components triggering the cooling process don’t actually get into the beverage. To let the users know that the self-chilling can is cool, the snowflake symbol on the packaging design turns blue, a homage to the winter icon.

self-chilling cool can
all images courtesy of deltaH Innovations



fully recyclable container with aluminum base


The startup shares that the self-chilling Cool Can’s container is 100 percent fully recyclable. It hasn’t documented yet, on the other hand, what material they’re planning to use to produce it. By the looks of it, it’s still made of aluminum since it’s already the base of the water and salt components for the cooling process. Design-wise, the team mainly leaves the middle part of the can free from design except for the logo. It allows brands to embed their designs or icons. Then, the black color of the base helps the snowflake, looped inside an arctic blue circle, standout. 


There’s no news yet on when the startup deltaH Innovations plans to release the self-chilling Cool Can. So far, founder James Vyse says that the container is still patent pending. He draws the creation of the product based on what he sees at the back of beverage cans. ‘It is always displayed as best served ‘chilled’ but this isn’t possible when you are on-the-go,’ he writes. ‘Our patent-pending Cool>Can solves this problem for both consumers and brands, self-cooling on-the-go with a simple twist at the bottom.’

self-chilling cool can
Self-chilling Cool Can makes room temperature and warm drinks icy

self-chilling cool can
users press the button under the container to start the cooling process

self-chilling cool can
the container can quickly bring down the temperature of drinks from 22 to six or seven degrees Celsius

view of the button under the container
view of the button under the container

the snowflake turns blue when the can is cool
the snowflake turns blue when the can is cool


water mixed with the salt components triggers the cooling process

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