‘3rd generation solar z20’ by zenithsolar image courtesy institutoideal
professor ezri tarazi at the bezalel academy of art and design and head of tarazi studio has just sent us the test results of israel-based energy company zenithsolar‘s 3rd generation ‘solar z20’, a combined heat and power system which utilizes semi-parabolic optical mirror collectors to convert solar energyfor both electrical and hot water use. the 3rd generation units were installed in kibbutz yavne in central israel and have broken the world record as the most efficient system in the field at 72%. previous to the latest product upgrade, the first 16 demonstration units installed in kibbutz yavne provided sufficient hot water and electricity to the community.the ‘solar z20’ is now enabling the community to produce and sell electricity back to the national grid and provide hot water for 220 community residents.
the largest difference between the ‘generation 2’ and the new ‘generation 3’ model is that it is a combined heat and power, concentrated PV and solar thermal system. not only does it convert solar energy into usable electricity, it converts the heat captured by the optical mirror collectors into both electrical and thermal power by use of the zenithsolar engineered ‘micro channel heat exchanger’. DC electrical power from the PV cells is converted to AC power and fed to the utility grid. heated fluid, which can reach up to 100 degrees celsius, is pumped through a closed-loop system for industrial processes, facility heating, residential hot water, absorption air conditioning, water distillation and other hot water applications.
‘3rd generation solar z20’ by zenithsolar image courtesy zenithsolar
‘z20’ benefits:
-lowest cost per watt and best potential for energy system cost reduction -highest efficiency in the field +72% -shortest possible return on investment -only concentrated PV system to triple performance with captured thermal energy -fully modular assembly can be easily scaled for specific applications and accommodate available field shape -system design for easy upgrade -best space utilization of land area -highest possible prevention of CO2 emissions through clean energy generation
image courtesy greentechmedia
field of ‘solar z20’ image courtesy zenithsolar