visualize the internet with an interactive app by peer 1 hosting + steamclock software



developed in collaboration between steamclock software and graphic designer jeff johnston for peer 1 hosting, the interactive app visualizes a map of the 22,000 systems that make up the internet in three-dimension – demonstrating a virtual exchange of information of the worldwide networks that are interconnected to form the web. from the search menu, users can see service providers (ISPS), internet exchange points, universities and other organizations that route traffic online through two view options – globe and network, which demonstrate the map in different perspectves. the app also allows users to generate a trace route between where they are located to a destination node, search for where popular companies and domains are, as well as identify their current location on the map.


if you want to check out the app for yourself, download it from the iTunes store here for free.



visualize the whole Internet with an app video courtesy CNN money