interactive fitness company mirror has launched one-on-one personal training sessions that use a reflective LCD display to let users follow at home. the device uses a two-way camera and audio system to stream personal trainers who can lead users through sessions.

smart fitness mirror streams personal training sessions to your bedroom



the mirror is a 40-inch, 1080p vertical display with a 5-megapixel camera, which comes with a privacy cover, and microphone built-in. the company assures that both are only activated during one-on-one personal training sessions. users can choose trainers based on workout activity preferences (yoga, strength training, barre, etc.), session length, trainer motivational style, and schedule.

smart fitness mirror streams personal training sessions to your bedroom



it reflects a growing trend in the fitness industry that wants to do away with traditional gyms. mirror is just one of many companies offering more convenient fitness classes with training sessions you can stream at home via internet-connected devices. others include peloton, which sells a stationary bicycle priced with built-in screens for streaming the company’s custom workouts. then there’s class pass, a monthly subscription that puts users in touch with local fitness studios.

smart fitness mirror streams personal training sessions to your bedroom



‘we’re democratizing premium fitness experiences and giving anyone access to the best trainers, no matter where you live or how busy your schedule may be,’ said brynn putnam, founder and CEO of the company.

smart fitness mirror streams personal training sessions to your bedroom



each 30-minute personal training session via the mirror costs $40 but combined with the base price of $1,495, the cost of fitness is still quite pricey. there is also a subscription cost to a monthly content service, which features over 70 new live classes a week that costs $39. 

smart fitness mirror streams personal training sessions to your bedroom



project info


company: mirror

device price: $1,495

class price: $40

monthly subscription cost: $39