swedish company wallenius marine has unveiled the oceanbird — an innovative sailing cargo vessel that claims to reduce transatlantic travel emissions by 90% and is able to carry up to 7,000 cars. measuring 200 meters in length, 40 in width, and 100 meters in height, the boat has five unique wings which are reminiscent of those found on airplanes. a transatlantic crossing would take approximately 12 days, instead of the current 7 days it takes with a conventional freighter.

the oceanbird massive vessel claims to reduce cargo shipping emissions by 90%
images by oceanbird



with its innovative technology, the oceanbird will make it possible to power large ocean-going vessels by wind. ‘shipping is a central function in global trade and stands for around 90% of all transported goods, but it also contributes to emissions,’ comments per tunell, COO wallenius marine. ‘it is critical that shipping becomes sustainable. our studies shows that wind is the most interesting energy source for ocean transports and with the 80 metre high wing sails on oceanbird, we are developing the ocean-going freighters of the future.’

the oceanbird massive vessel claims to reduce cargo shipping emissions by 90%



the oceanbird is a technically challenging project where the ridging and hull work together as a single unit to harness the wind in the most efficient way possible. the hull has been designed for a large sailing cargo vessel and everything has been developed from this; speed, steering technology, hull shape and appearance, and the design and construction of the rigging. it is a mix of aerodynamic and shipbuilding technology.

the oceanbird massive vessel claims to reduce cargo shipping emissions by 90%



the oceanbird concept is being developed for really large vessels designed to transport large, heavy cargoes over long distance trips. the wing sails are made of a mixture of metal and composite and will be around 80 meters high, twice the height of those on the larges sailing vessels around today. it will be possible to reef the wing sails, reducing the height by approximately 60 meters. the vessel will be also fitted with engines to enable them to maneuver in and out of port, and for emergency operation. the first vessel will be a cargo ship, but the concept can be applied to ships of all types, such as cruise ships.




project info


name: oceanbird

company: wallenius marine

estimated launch date: 2024