by now many of us are obsessed with our skin, buying and applying a bundle of products to maintain it glowing, firm, and not too dry or too oily to avoid wrinkles and pores. but imagine if you could know exactly the state of your skin and which products it needs. worry no more, because you don’t have to go to sephora or to your dermatologist to find out as johnson & johnson-owned neutrogena has unveiled at CES 2018 its skin scanner, the neutrogena skin360, complete with artificial intelligence.

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comprised of a smartphone accessory and an app, neutrogena skin360 gives you information on your skin



the neutrogena skin360 is comprised of a power duo: the skin scanner tool which you plug into your smartphone and the app. together, it works to give you information on your skin regarding the moisture level, pores and lines. built with 12 high-powered LED lights, a 30x magnification lens and highly accurate sensors, the scanner can see above and below the skin’s surface. after the analysis, the app will give you which neutrogena products you can use to help your skin.

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it gives you information on your skin regarding the moisture level, pores and lines

neutrogena skin360 designboom
the scanner is built with 12 high-powered LED lights, a 30x magnification lens and highly accurate sensors

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the app comes with artificial intelligence, learning about your skin every time you use it

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it recommends you which neutrogena products to use to improve your skin