laser tattoos will replace sticky labels on fresh produceimages courtesy laserfood



a new european regulation on laser marking technologies has been adopted by the EU commission seeks to replace sticky labels on fruit. as present market practices apply adhesive laminated stickers onto approximately 70% of pieces in produce baskets, the laserfood alternative implements the use of fruit and vegetable markings with an edible contrast substance which turns colored when activated by a laser. because production of adhesive stickers requires natural resources (wood for paper, energy, water, etc…) as well as chemical substances (glue & ink production), the project proposes a sustainable solution for food labeling. in addition, the process reduces energy consumption and GHG emissions, while guaranteeing full information about origin and production conditions. without damaging anything beneath the skin, the system is capable of marking information onto the skin of produce, ranging from bananas to grapefruit



laser tattoos will replace sticky labels on fresh produce

the system is capable of marking information onto the skin of produce, ranging from bananas to grapefruit



laser marking – 46 day timelapse



laser marking



laser tattoos will replace sticky labels on fresh produce

the laser tattoos will guarantee full information about origin and production conditions