INBOX: analog to digital printer management system by entwurfreich + christoph ptok
all images courtesy entwurfreich



‘INBOX’, the collaborative effort among industrial designer christoph ptok and german creative studio entwurfreich is created as an innovative process that digitizes and manages media with an intuitive scanning system, providing a platform for interfacing between the analog and digital world. the device combines a scanner, storage compartment and app-based UI to simplify document management without having to use a computer. a digital copy of the processed documents is saved using text recognition software, which can be later organized via the integrated smartphone app that automatically filters and categorizes information.



INBOX – digitize and manage paper documents
all images courtesy entwurfreich



INBOX: analog to digital scanner management system

the innovative process digitizes and manages media with an intuitive scanning system



INBOX: analog to digital scanner management system

‘INBOX’ provides a paperless platform for interfacing between the analog and digital world



INBOX: analog to digital scanner management system

the device combines a scanner, storage compartment and app-based user interface



INBOX: analog to digital scanner management system

adjust paper sizes with a side scroll



INBOX: analog to digital scanner management system

a digital copy of the processed documents is saved using text recognition software



INBOX: analog to digital scanner management system