‘built to care,’ grace the robot nurse wants everyone she meets to feel relaxed and comfortable.  grace was built by hanson robotics to assist doctors and nurses while expressing an illusion of life. the team introduces her as a new sister to sophia — perhaps the world’s most famous android who, in saudi arabia, was the first robot to be granted citizenship in a country. born in 2021 following the coronavirus pandemic, grace will lend a caring hand for the elderly and those isolated with COVID-19.  

robot nurse grace
hanson robotics designs grace for the healthcare market | image by CNN



created by hong kong-based hanson robotics for awakening health, grace can speak english, mandarin, and cantonese. the news comes at a time when the world more than ever sees a demand for contactless care and tele-health solutions, and patients are increasingly isolated. while her capacity for social interaction will ease the burden of frontline hospital staff, she can do more than just brighten someone’s day — grace uses artificial intelligence to diagnose a patient, measures responsiveness, and detects a temperature and pulse with a thermal camera in her chest. 

robot nurse grace
image by CNN



CEO and founder of hanson robotics david hanson comments that gracewould resemble the human-like appearance of healthcare staff — this would facilitate more natural interactions. a human-like appearance facilitates trust and facilitates natural engagement.’


according to CNN, hanson robotics claims that it will begin mass-producing robots, including sophia and grace, by the end of 2021.
