interactive video-chat concepts by google labs + BERGimage courtesy BERG



following up on google creative lab and BERG‘s previous investigation into interactive light interfaces, the idea to create a physical product encapsulating google voice/video-chat services emerged. known as ‘connection box’ or ‘connbox’ for short, the conceptual experiments resulted in various material explorations, centered around rapid product prototyping to really understand what the experience of physical device, service and interface could be.



connbox interactive video chat concepts by google creative lab + BERG

‘domino’ interactive video chat deviceimage courtesy BERG



connbox interactive video chat concepts by google creative lab + BERG

video component detailimage courtesy BERG



connbox interactive video chat concepts by google creative lab + BERG

domino side viewimage courtesy BERG



‘connbox’: prototyping a physical product for video presence with google creative lab, 2011video courtesy BERG



connbox interactive video chat concepts by google creative lab + BERG

polarbear concept frontimage courtesy BERG



connbox interactive video chat concepts by google creative lab + BERG

‘polarbear’ concept rearimage courtesy BERG



connbox interactive video chat concepts by google creative lab + BERG

prototyping videlego experienceimage courtesy BERG



living with polarbearvideo courtesy BERG



connbox interactive video chat concepts by google creative lab + BERG

polarbear prototype evolution 1image courtesy BERG



connbox interactive video chat concepts by google creative lab + BERG

polarbear prototype evolution 2image courtesy BERG



connbox interactive video chat concepts by google creative lab + BERG

system diagramimage courtesy BERG