G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church

G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church

g&a virtually memorializes st. nicholas church in new york


Commemorating the reopening of New York City’s St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine, G&A has launched a digital platform to preserve the sacred icon. The structure was founded in 1916 and served as a monument within Manhattan’s global financial hub until it was destroyed in the 9/11 attacks. Rebuilt by Santiago Calatrava as a white marble domed structure reflecting a traditional Byzantine design, it is now memorialized virtually through a reverent mix of educational storytelling and religious ritual. The experience design firm’s interactive app thus makes the experience accessible to all, allowing users to traverse a meticulously detailed model rendered via drone-enabled high-resolution photogrammetry.


Worshippers begin their journey standing outside of the elevation, then move through to the Narthex and Nave. As they navigate the space — guided by audio narrations, text descriptions, and short films — they can learn more about the history of the architecture and the theological iconography adorning the walls, and even participate in religious rituals.

g&a's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
all images by Brett Beyer unless stated otherwise



explore santiago calatrava’s church rebuilt after 9/11


In rethinking the church-going experience for the digital age and bringing St. Nicholas to a broader audience, G&A showcases its architecture, iconography, and history. Users of the digital platform begin their journey from the exterior, rotating its form for a 360 view while learning more about its history, destruction, and reconstruction.


Moving through to the Narthex, a vast antechamber leading to the altar, visitors can take a closer look at the artworks, light a virtual candle, or make a donation. In the core Nave, an interactive 3D model offers a comprehensive look at the biblical scenes hand-painted across the walls and dome by Father Loukas, a Greek monk living on Mount Athos.

g&a's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
G&A’s digital platform preserves St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine



Digitally reconstructing the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine involved a collaborative process between G&A’s tech and film teams, Paris-based digitization studio Iconem, and New York-based Hirani Group. Together, the design team employed drone scanning and 3D photogrammetry which enables users to take an immersive virtual tour and explore the space from all angles.


The process involves stitching together hundreds of still photographs and scans to create a model with accurate 3D geometries. The virtual experience supports G&A’s physical interventions which includes hand-carved marble exterior signage, memorial etchings, and an immersive digital kiosk where visitors can make donations, view church schedules in rotation, view a map that shows where each of the donors are coming from, and read their stories.

g&a's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
the structure was rebuilt by Santiago Calatrava following destruction during the 9/11 attacks

g&a's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
the white marble domed structure reflects a traditional Byzantine design in Manhattan

g&a's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
the app supports physical interventions including hand-carved exterior signage, and memorial etchings

g&a's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
visitors can explore the exterior, the Nathrex, and the Nave | image courtesy of G&A

g&a's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
the storytelling journey is guided by audio narrations, text descriptions, and short films | image courtesy of G&A


G&A brings the church to a broader audience | image courtesy of G&A

g&a's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
the detailed model is rendered via drone-enabled high-resolution photogrammetry | image courtesy of G&A

G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
a closer look at the biblical scenes hand-painted by Father Loukas | image courtesy of G&A

G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
information boxes explain details about the artworks | image courtesy of G&A

g&a's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
created in collaboration with Iconem and Hirani Group | image courtesy of G&A


image courtesy of G&A

G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
users can even participate in religious rituals like lighting a candle | image courtesy of G&A

G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
the church was established in 1916 | image courtesy of G&A



G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
design process | image courtesy of G&A 
G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
design process | image courtesy of G&A 
G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
design process | image courtesy of G&A 
G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
image courtesy of G&A 
G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
image courtesy of G&A 
G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church
image courtesy of G&A 
image courtesy of G&A 
image courtesy of G&A 
image courtesy of G&A 
image courtesy of G&A 
image courtesy of G&A 
image courtesy of G&A 
image courtesy of G&A 
image courtesy of G&A 

project info:


name: St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine tour

designer: G&A | @g.ampersand.a

collaborators: Iconem | @ic0nem, Hirani Group | @hiranigroup

location: New York, USA

architect: Santiago Calatrava | @calatravaofficial

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3D scanning (10)

apps (146)

architecture in new york (615)

church architecture and design (247)

santiago calatrava (49)