fredrik ausinsch imagines collector drone for algae abundance in the baltic sea
all images courtesy of fredrik ausinsch





transportation design masters student fredrik ausinsch at umea institute of design, proposed a drone to tackle the eruption of algae in the baltic sea. the algae sea collector would systematically remove the surface blooms which would result in a drastic reduction of toxins in the water, as well as prevent the spread anoxic sediments that would improve reproduction of local fish. 

fredrik-ausinsch-algae-drone-colllector-designboom-02schematic of the collector drone




the vessel pumps algae and water into a dewatering system and separates the biomass from the water. it would then be stored in a tank and the water reused to thrust the drone forward. the concept is based on hydrogen fuel cell technology with two electric driven pumps. the drone would be operated from an external cockpit located in a service boat nearby which also empties and refuels when needed. fredrik ausinsch believes that by removing the abundance of algae, the biomass can be a future resource for biofuel production for higher energy needs.

fredrik-ausinsch-algae-drone-colllector-designboom-03the drone collector’s route fredrik-ausinsch-algae-drone-colllector-designboom-04unmanned, the concept would use hydrogen fuel cell technology  fredrik-ausinsch-algae-drone-colllector-designboom-05the drone would travel one to four knots collecting the algae  fredrik-ausinsch-algae-drone-colllector-designboom-07the wings would adjust to accommodate the depth of the algae fredrik-ausinsch-algae-drone-colllector-designboom-08sketches of the concept  fredrik-ausinsch-algae-drone-colllector-designboom-09the scale of the drone