elon musk tesla master plan
elon musk of tesla unleashes the first update in a decade to his electric ‘master plan’




in 2006 tesla‘s CEO, elon musk,  unveiled his ‘secret tesla motors master plan’ a decade-long strategy which in brief is:

build sports car
use that money to build an affordable car
use that money to build an even more affordable car
while doing the above, also provide zero emission electric power generation options

elon musk tesla master plan




a decade later, he is back with part two which can be read in full here. the vision is:

create stunning solar roof with seamlessly integrated battery storage
expand the electric vehicle product line to address all major segments
develop a self-driving capability that is 10X safer than manual via massive fleet learning
enable your car to make money for you when you aren’t using it

elon musk tesla master plan




the tesla CEO also canvased a vision for his company’s participation in the ever-growing sharing economy, for which he assumes that true automated-driving will ultimately be approved by regulators. he predicts ‘you will be able to summon your tesla from pretty much anywhere. once it picks you up, you will be able to sleep, read, or do anything else en route to your destination’.

elon musk tesla master plan




in this scenario, there would also be a tesla shared fleet that allows owners, with the tap of a button on the tesla mobile app, to rent out their cars when they’re not in use. ‘this dramatically lowers the true cost of ownership to the point where almost anyone could own a tesla. since most cars are only in use by their owner for 5% to 10% of the day, the fundamental economic utility of a true self-driving car is likely to be several times that of a car which is not,’ musk wrote. in addition to the the tesla shared automobile fleet, he also sees the creation of a tesla-owned fleet of vehicles for, ‘cities where demand exceeds the supply of customer-owned cars. . . ensuring you can always hail a ride from us no matter where you are’.




 elon musk tesla master plan