‘electronic ruler’ by shay shafranek and oded webman

‘electronic ruler’ is a concept that has been designed by shay shafranek and oded webman with the support of udk industrial design department, berlin.

so how does it work? by pressing the button the digits illuminate and the ruler is ready to go. passing a pencil along the edge of the ruler will make the numbers go up or down according to the length of the line. pressing the button again will reset the value.

electronic ruler by shay shafranek and oded webman ‘electronic ruler’ – line of resistors. the point touched affects the voltage according to the current resistor electronic ruler by shay shafranek and oded webman measuring lines and calculating from two points

touching the ruler after resetting defines a new zero point. now touching other points along the ruler will give the definitive distances to the zero.

electronic ruler by shay shafranek and oded webman creating the prototype

electronic ruler by shay shafranek and oded webman the electronic chip underneath the surface

electronic ruler by shay shafranek and oded webman the conductive sensor in action
