dyskograf by jesse lucas + erwan raguenes + yro image via images courtesy of the artists

with the de-materialization of objects having led to an ignorance of the principles of recording and reading music, media artists jesse lucas, erwan raguenes & yro have developed ‘dyskograf’, a graphic disk reader capable of translating drawings into audible sequences through the use of binary code, cameras and paper. as each disc passes in front of the recording equipment onto a fixed arm, a substitution between the needle converts the illustration into sound using specific software applications. through this system, the sequential ordering of music is learnt in a playful way, creating a unique object as a souvenir. the interactive installation ultimately leads to the rediscovery of perceptible contact with recorded instrumentals.

dyskograf video courtesy of jesse lucas

dyskograf translates drawings into musical sequences detail of the dyskograf player

dyskograf translates drawings into musical sequences dyskograf

dyskograf translates drawings into musical sequences indicator switches
