clairy launches kickstarter campaign to fund natural air purifier
(above) the smart flowerpot and natural air purifier is powered by real plants
all images courtesy of clairy




people breathe 3,000 gallons of air each day and spend 90% of the time indoors, where the air is five times more polluted than outside. ‘clairy’, a company based in san francisco, aims to sensitize people towards green ethics and healthcare issues through the use of a simple, recognizable and innovative product with the same name. created by alessio d’andrea, vincenzo vitiello, and paolo ganis, ‘clairy’ can filtrate 93% of all indoor toxins allowing us to breathe cleaner air. 


kickstarter video 




‘clairy’ is a dual-part ceramic flowerpot that has a fan that directs the toxic air from inside a room to the roots of the plant to be detoxified. indoor air quality, temperature, and humidity sensors continually test the quality of the air. from there, the built-in wi-fi modules send real-time updates to the user’s smartphone, generating alerts on the toxin levels of the rooms. because these levels have a strong correlation with the toxicity of a room, ‘clairy’ can provide tips on how to adjust and improve air quality, finding and solving the problem.

clairy natural air purifier designboom
you can choose different types of colors 




through the ‘clairy’ smartphone app, available for both iOS and android, the user is able to analyze their indoor air pollution in real time, monitoring the temperature and humidity, as the plant sends the diagnostics. from the same app, the user can manage the fan, receive health tips, and communicate with other smart home devices such as smart windows and humidifiers. ‘clairy’ has been tested and has proved, through specific laboratory exams, its effectiveness. scientific validation has been given by the combined work of LINV (international laboratory for plant neurobiology) and PNAT, a spin-off of the university of florence.


to support the project, or for more information on the extensive development process, check out ‘clairy’ on kickstarter here

clairy natural air purifier designboom
the fans on the flowerpot take contaminated air and filter it through the plant’s roots

clairy natural air purifier designboom
by eliminates toxic agents the air you’re breathing is cleaner

clairy natural air purifier designboom
clairy’s design fits in every home


video courtesy of alessio d’andrea

clairy natural air purifier designboom
evaluate your air with the smartphone app

clairy natural air purifier designboom
clairy will tell you when the air is potentially harmful and can help you fix it

clairy natural air purifier designboom
proudly a made in italy design and handcrafted by the best italian artisans



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: juliana neira | designboom