first launched in rwanda in early 2016, zipline is a california-based startup that uses drones to deliver medical needs. knowing that more than two billion people lack adequate access to essential medical products — such as blood and vaccines — the company has based their service around a small robot airplane that can carry the desired goods, conquering challenging terrains and gaps in infrastructure. today the service is being extended to tanzania by early next year.

blood delivery drone zipline designboom
zipline is a blood delivery drone service in rwanda and soon in tanzania



zipline uses a simple system that works by providing a seamless delivery system at an affordable price. the simple process begins when health workers at remote clinics and hospitals text an order for the medical products they need, on demand. zipline safely stores the medical products at their distribution center, enabling immediate access to even the most sensitive or scarce items. they are then packaged and prepared for flight, maintaining cold-chain and product integrity. within minutes, health workers receive information that their order has been launch. racing along at 100km/h, the products arrive faster than any other mode of transport.

blood delivery drone zipline designboom
the custom-designed fixed-wing airplane can fly farther, faster, and in more inclement weather conditions than a quadcopter



designed for real-world use, zipline’s blood delivery drone has been refined from years of testing and thousands of actual deliveries. they excel under the challenges of inclement weather, demand spikes, and lifesaving urgency. its distribution center can reliably deliver to any site within 75 km (150 km round trip), and it doesn’t require any infrastructure at the delivery site.

blood delivery drone zipline designboom
zipline can reliably deliver to any site within 75 km (150 km round trip)

blood delivery drone zipline designboom
the blood delivery drone does not land or recharge at delivery sites, so no infrastructure needs to be installed

blood delivery drone zipline designboom
the airplanes fly on predetermined routes using an advanced autopilot

blood delivery drone zipline designboom

blood delivery drone zipline designboom
rwanda launch in 2016 with president kagame

blood delivery drone zipline designboom
president kagame launching zipline’s inaugural flight in rwanda

blood delivery drone zipline designboom
distribution center taking orders via text message