BIZZBY sky on-demand drone delivery service governed by real-time app
images courtesy of bizzby




BIZZBY sky‘ offers an on-demand drone delivery service which is controlled by a smartphone app that can show real-time footage from the on-board camera. the consumer collect-and-delivery services use the london-based company’s proven smartphone technology platform to develop a fully autonomous flying device that at the push of a button, can deliver small items between addresses. it takes seconds to request an action and only minutes for it to arrive at a pickup location.


drone on demand
video courtesy of BIZZBY sky




commenting on the trails, BIZZBY founder and CEO rohan sinclair luvaglio says, ‘we are currently focused on delivering on-order lifestyle services from cleaning, handymen, beauty, deliveries to everyday help and believe in using technology to make our lives easier. as the pioneer of on-call supplies we believe drone delivery is the future and we’re at the forefront of its development.’

objects such as documents, medicine and keys can be delivered




the ‘BIZZBY sky’ features an automated secure storage box that opens to accept shipment items weighing up to 500g, and an on-board camera that delivers real-time footage of the journey to the recipient. the project’s main limitations are the UK civil aviation authority (CAA) regulations, battery power, weight and flight distance. however, by featuring built-in sensors and flying unmanned at a height of 400 feet, collisions are avoided and restricted fly zones are respected. as well a reserve battery kicks in to return the drone home safely if difficulties are encountered.

the drone features an automated secure storage compartment




‘although it may seem futuristic, technology is advancing rapidly and its a matter of time before we’re able to roll the service out to the public. we’re urging anyone interested to visit our website and sign our e-petition for No 10 to bring drone legislation to the forefront’ added luvaglio. ‘this is the future and we’re proud to be the first UK company driving innovation, just imagine the possibilities this opens up from delivering important documents, keys to urgent medical supplies- the sky’s the limit.’

the service is controlled by a smartphone app



