adidas mi zx flux app customizes sneakers with printed photographs
images courtesy of adidas
the adidas ‘mi zx flux’ app enables users to customize the orginals sneakers by printing photographs on to the shoe upper. the customer has the power to apply any image, in terms and conditions of the company’s policy, using the application available from august 22nd 2014, on iOS and android smartphones. people can create their own high resolution, personalized trainers by capturing new pictures or uploading existing images. after downloading it, there is five steps to making your own, the first of which being to select your gender, country and size. the next is to snap or select a pic from your cell and then scale, place and rotate it to the shoe template. the final two steps are reviewing and saving your design in the 3d preview, and then share/order your zx flux. the seamless user interface makes it easy to produce your crepe from start to finish.
the adidas mi zx flux app is available on iOS and android devices
the shoe template captures the design from your just taken or existing photograph
the 3D 360° preview allows users to see their creation before they share or order it