Feb 06, 2025opera air browser has buttons for breathing exercises, meditation and positive affirmations technology 61 shares
Feb 05, 2025‘people’ app helps users remember when, where and how they met everyone in their contacts technology 181 shares
Oct 25, 2024‘pride vision’ AR camera detects candidates who support marriage equality in japan elections technology 0 shares
Aug 26, 2024up's hi—fi: the financially sound system blends art and music to help aussies master money technology 0 shares
Aug 19, 2024G&A's web-app enables immersive virtual tour of santiago calatrava's new york church technology 200 shares
Jul 06, 2024hear james dean & judy garland’s voices again as they read texts on elevenlabs’ AI reader app technology 0 shares
Apr 03, 2024NASA-backed sunsketcher app lets you photograph the april 8th total solar eclipse technology 0 shares
Mar 25, 2024portfoliobox empowers creatives with online portfolio and business building platform design 0 shares
Mar 04, 2024bloomberg connects app enriches refik anadol's serpentine exhibition with exclusive content technology 257 shares
Nov 09, 2023trimble & meta heighten the sketchup viewer experience with untethered VR headsets technology 0 shares
Aug 21, 2023bloomberg connects app gives free access to over 250 cultural institutions worldwide technology 0 shares
Jun 21, 2023AI or not? new web tool detects artificial intelligence images in less than a second technology 0 shares
May 08, 2023māori artist creates browser plug-in that replaces royal gossip with indigenous news technology 0 shares
Mar 26, 2023solar-powered crop storage to educational apps: 10 iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2022 winners design 0 shares
Dec 05, 2022'urinate with elegance': duolingo exhibits wonky english mistranslations in tokyo design 0 shares
Oct 13, 2022barilla 'passive cooker' boils pasta in two minutes using an open-source file technology 0 shares
Jul 21, 2022VELLO e-bike folds in 8 seconds, weighs under 10 kilos, and recharges by braking technology 654 shares
Jul 18, 2022eat your millionaire: MSCHF popsicles designed as the world’s richest people design 640 shares
Jun 29, 2022capsule-shaped electric scooter conceptualized as a low-seat mini-moped technology 0 shares
Jun 23, 2022IKEA AI app replaces your furniture with its products to help you shop technology 0 shares
May 03, 2022vertical bike parking lockers emerge in japan to give cyclists peace of mind design 909 shares
Jun 22, 2021the 'wookmama' visualizer app makes color picking practical and playful technology 0 shares readers
Jan 22, 2021'amazon after' concept by scott amron envisions an integrated future life for your purchases technology 0 shares