paperbed overview (green undersheet) with popup texture detail

How nice would it be, if we could wash old crumpled papersheets and use them again and again…


I thought about the many meanings an unmade bed could have and all the stories it could tell: intimacies, days-off, pillow fights… Always different, those experiences modify the bed linen surface, writing every time a new story that will be carried away with the next arrangement. Like a sheet of paper, where pencil lines can be made or rubbed away. Crumpled paper becomes a symbol of this metaphor, making the bed a living and dynamic element, with a fantastical identity and a multilevel point of view: from afar, we see the surface as a photographic picture; as we get closer, the pictures becomes broken down into a complex texture of small grey dots, reminiscent of an optical illusion.

paperbed paperbed with red undersheet

paperbed texture is obtained with a color halftone of the crumpled paper picture

paperbed detail of bed linen and pillowcase

paperbed pillows and available colors ;