national centre for synchrotron science building (NCSS) by bates smart
the national centre for synchrotron science (ncss) designed by architects bates smart, takes its cue from the australian synchrotron’s international reputation as a high technology research facility. located at the formerly unassuming australian synchrotron facility in clayton, south east of melbourne, the venue provides a centrepiece gateway and new public face.
the building celebrates site and the science of light through reduced architecture. by wrapping the entire concrete building with translucent polycarbonate and refinishing it with a dichroic protective coating which refracts and diffuses daylight, a large external front entry sign showcases single led letter blocks have been mounted behind the facade.
a new administrative hub for the australian synchrotron’s corporate functions is located on the upper level. ground floor spaces are dedicated to the public interface and comprise: reception and welcome lounge, administration centre, kitchen and café. a large foyer/gallery space doubles as an event space and encircles a lecture theatre that sits in the middle of the building – a reference to the synchrotron’s circular motion.
ncss exterior – day time
ncss exterior – day time side profile
ncss exterior – dusk
ncss exterior – dusk side profile
ncss exterior – night time
ncss exterior – night time corner profile
ncss lecture theatre
ncss interior
ncss interior
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