west elevation

american architects MA2 has proposed for a contemporary museum of art in buenos aires, where the inception is based on synergetic plays of volumes and interlink-interlacing manifolds of tectonic forms and panels that create a dynamic fluxion of mass, surfaces and lines. the articulations involved, rely on formal masses in an arrangement or in a cohesive group that perform more than the sum of its parts. the museum is multi-layered and composed of radiant volumes and pieces which converge in a poly-operational, structural, and sensuous array of tectonics. the effect of multi-generative forms grouped and working together as a performative whole is a diverse set of fluid and crystallized components strategically placed for an outcome of a dynamic structure, which valiancy plays a role in the visual and experiential impact of the viewer.

MA2 architects: museum of contemporary art in buenos aires perspective

MA2 architects: museum of contemporary art in buenos aires close up

MA2 architects: museum of contemporary art in buenos aires night view

MA2 architects: museum of contemporary art in buenos aires east elevation

a museum is produced in which tectonics and space is operating in a field of "fluxion synergies". these fields of cooperative interactions of fluid forms and synergized lines which also produce a series of desired patterns like that of the classical line work of the "guilloche", or creating "the guilloche effect". by approaching the design of the museum with a generative and vector approach to space, volume, and form, the result is a building with intensity that affect the visual senses in an interesting and dynamic experience.  

MA2 architects: museum of contemporary art in buenos aires close up

the external cladding is an array of curved and crystallized formal geometries by which they perform with an organizational behavior pattern of trajectories and intersecting surfaces. the geometries created are resulted from guilloche patterns that have been derived from parametric cartesian equations. by utilizing basic parametric equations for comprehensive surface decor and structure, it has allowed for a series of patterns which can be transformed into an effective tool for varied panelized and lattice structures. trigonometric equations that are best suitable for folding and curved forms are the "hypotrochoid" formulas for they describe a family of curves to which the museum utilizes throughout its spaces.

MA2 architects: museum of contemporary art in buenos aires entrance lobby

MA2 architects: museum of contemporary art in buenos aires exhibition hall

in addition to further investigate parametric formulas similar to the hypotrochoid; epitrochoid and hypocycloid are useful in this series of guilloche rosette formation.

in searching for the proper materials that best showcase the sleek surfaces and external cladding, varied sizes of polished and honed glass stone or white neoparies, in balance with black hairline stainless steel for areas regarding framing and entry are used to give the desired effect. this gives the museum a dimension of weight, elegance, and purity in an exterior that is multifaceted and multidimensional. the interior spaces are an extension of the patterned exterior in areas of excessive height and openness. the museum has five levels of exhibition space; in addition the entry and exit are separated by the outdoor plaza to create a flow spaces that circulate up and around to experience the entire museum.

site selection: the new contemporary art museum will be located in the puerto madero district, also known within the urban planning community as the puerto madero waterfront. it occupies a significant portion of the río de la plata riverbank and represents the latest architectural trend in buenos aires.

MA2 architects: museum of contemporary art in buenos aires section drawing

MA2 architects: museum of contemporary art in buenos aires elevation and site drawings