david tajchman: surprise surprise




a membrane occupies the void of the mansion. stretched to a few meters high, the dropper distorts it to gradually form a belly. the surprise is conducted in several times: by the incongruity of the colored form in the old mansion, by the transparent and reflective qualities of the matter, by filling the space of the court. like a balloon full of water, its break is near and when the physical limit of elasticity is reached, the ceiling gives way, releasing the liquid, creating surprise and revealing the blue sky of montpellier, france. celebration of water and the approach of summer, the coolness is required in this installation splashing color and rhythming aqueous events during the festival of architectural surprises.



david tajchman: surprise surprise installation in the mansion

david tajchman: surprise surprise diagrams and inspiration

david tajchman: surprise surprise membrane distortion until breakpoint

david tajchman: surprise surprise construction diagram