Zero Emission Power Plants

Zero Emission Power Plants by Greg Durrell from canada

designer's own words:

Climate change is the most serious challenge facing our generation today. CO2 emissions can be reduced on a massive scale with the implementation of Zero-Emission Power Plants. A ZEP allows for the creation of hydrogen and electrical power while safely capturing and sequestering Carbon Dioxide emissions and storing them in dried up oil fields or deep unmineable coalbeds. ZEPs and carbon sequestration is a perfect example of human ingenuity in the form of technology to find sustainable solutions/ways of doing things. It shows that change is possible if we put our minds to it and solutions can be found. It's reason for optimism although we also have to change our behaviour and priorities as well; we can't rely just on technology, but putting innovative technology to good use is a start. Experts agree that the implementation of ZEP's is a near-term solution and failing to act now on reducing carbon dioxide emissions will be catastrophic to the existence of humankind.

Poster, Full Size

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