z hook by yo yo from bulgaria
designer's own words:
Z hook is a coat rack that excites with clear design, clever structure and bribing appearance. Z hook keeps to “Less is more” principal in every step – from concept through production to final use. It incorporates maximum function in minimal size which comes handy in the somehow small vestibule or even bathroom. Z hook turns the chaos into order with ease, elegance and space saving attitude. It’s based on modular system in which all the parts are interchangeable and customizable. The name of the hook derives from the special Z shape, which adds interesting touch to the visual outcome and besides it’s ergonomically sustained. The use of the hook comes intuitively and naturally – all the hangers, holders and stands are designed in a human – based way. With Z hook we try to increase the quality of everyday life, to solve the storing problems, to save space, and to satisfy individual needs.
Z hook has numerous benefits, starting with the multi functionality, going through the modularity and the interchangeable modules. Then we should mention the mounting system – it has specially designed part, on which Z hook is hung. That allows dismounting for cleaning and eases the installation. Z hook is easy for care piece of furniture. It is extremely durable, tough and even waterproofed. It has no – drill option if you have smooth surface to attach the hook to. Z hook is health and eco friendly – it’s antibacterial and recyclable. All that makes the hook perfect for your home.
Z hook generalZ hook mounting
Z hook colour combination
Z hook usage
Z hook details