your motion makes motion

your motion makes motion by oxoxo from japan

designer's own words:


A punced panel has a minimal geometric pattern and it also has a chic surface. On the other hand, when two panels are overlapped each other, it will generate beautiful moire patterns with organic warmth such like Komorebi (sunshine filtering through foliages) or ripples of the sea.
Furthermore the pattern is exquisitely and dynamically changing with your MOTION.

We offer one idea about space design and product design. We try to design them using punched panels as a main material.


Punched surface makes ambiguous boundaries between objects and the space. Semitransparent objects make the space more open.

Moire pattern allow us to feel natural and stay with them. This idea is similar to that of Japanese Shoji. Shoji enable soft light to filter through the paper and create a calm atmosphere inside rooms. We will keep the benefits of Shoji and adapt it to new products.


Moire makes objects more organic. When you walk along the object, the object will change the pattern corresponding to your motion. The changing of pattern is not only beautiful but it is sensitive and dynamic. It is like natural phenomenon such as Komorebi (sunbeams streaming through leaves), Yurameki (shimmering ocean), Konayuki (powder snow). Moire will give us comfortable feeling like those.


Moire adds a touch of class to products. Sophisticated dots pattern makes the design more orderly. And it gives objects more brightness than ever.

Title your motion makes motion Introduction [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”″] video

your motion makes motion Key Facor 1 : OPENESS your motion makes motion Key Factor 2 : ORGANIC your motion makes motion Key Factor 3 : ADVANCED [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”″] video

your motion makes motion oxoxo [zero by zero] Artworks and a product