writin erie

writin erie by melissa migliora from italy

designer's own words:

First idea: find the most recognizable particular of the Moleskine. So the elastic band is a "status", an element that we can find in all Moleskine. Size, paper, colors can change: the elastic band is always present, and it's so physical! We can play with him, pull it... In this case is reproduced with the thick black sign, like we can find on the back of the diaries.
Second idea: the word Moleskinerie have to be hand-written because on the "real" Moleskine all is written, drawn, sketched dy hand. The word moleskinerie takes place on the back of the diary as in real life, near the elastic band. The thin black line (that is the edge of the logo) becomes fluid and soft at the end of the word, with the function of close the logo.

All realized with Adobe Illustrator.
