
Worn by lee cottrell from uk

designer's own words:

inspired by stone steps that have been worn and defined by their use over long periods of time, this door handle instills in the user a sense of comfort through familiarity, by simulating the repeated grip of countless hands before them. this artificial wear is achieved through a subtle transformation of the profile as well as a textural differentiation. the 'squircle' profile gives the handle a contempary look that belies it's suggested age.

the door handle and rose would be produced from cast stainless steel, and finished in a matt texture throughout with the 'worn' section being polished. the same part is to be used for both the left and right sides of the door.

Final Finish 01

copy_0_worn01.jpg Worn Stone Steps

worn03.jpg Final Finish 02

worn04.jpg Section Lines

worn05.jpg Technical Drawing