WooDoor_Handle by valentina rossini from italy
designer's own words:
I'd like to put a piece of nature in ordinary things.
A door handle is what everyone of us touch in many times of the day and night, and so, what's better?
A piece of wood, a touch sensation whenever we need, and open our mind into a immaginary word of trees and nature trail.
The particular design allows a simply production: the 90 degrees edges needs no further manifacturing,
the depth dimensions enable one only cut of a block of wood and series of blocks.
I choose teack wood because his natural oils make it useful in exposed locations and it's durable even when not treated with oil or varnish.
The satin finished steel wall bracket can be established in a teack wood handle easily.
An use of this door handle achieves a simply and surprising impression at the sime time.
Technical drawings
Cutting thoughts
The Concept