Wooden Grib

Wooden Grib by anne danielsen from denmark

designer's own words:

When I was doing my research to this competition I found that most door handles are way to small to both fit in your hand and way to small (visually) to carry the weight that you are suppose to pull or push while opening a door. Therefore I made the handle bigger and less curvy, so it looks stronger and makes the action more intuitive. I were inspired by door handles at emergency exits - they are bigger and more simple.
The handle is made of one smaller and one bigger wooden piece, which is held together with a metallic ring. The bigger wooden handle is fixed with the metallic ring and the smaller wooden base is fixed to the door. While pushing down the handle the metallic ring twists inside the wooden base and the door opens.
First you will see a simple door handle, but when you look closer the construction details makes this a new way of thinking doorhandles.

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