wonky flowery bin by akio hayakawa from japan
designer's own words:
The “Wonky-Flowery-Bin” is a plastic rubbish bin which is inspired by 'a wonky-donkey toy'. The “Wonky-Flowery-Bin” has a flower standing on the centre of a cylindrical bucket and tension of a wire connects parts of the flower. The point of the design is that the flower bends down like 'the wonky-donkey toy' when the weight of the rubbish pushes the bin down and the wire loses its tension.
The “Wonky-Flowery-Bin” aims to be placed on a desk of a table, not under the desk or in a corner of a room. Therefore, the size is compact, 360 mm H x 215 mm W x 215 mm D.
Currently, teenagers grew up in the IT society which single click of a button enables to deletes what they don’t want to have. The emotion seems not to be involved in the process of the deletion. This influences how teenagers think of their waste.
The “Wonky-Flowery-Bin” lets teenagers have an opportunity to re-realise the value of the waste with a sense of humour. The revaluation of the waste will be taken in a vital role in order to resolve the environmental issue. The future of the environmental circumstance relies upon teenagers’ attitude towards it. It will be delightful if the “Wonky-Flowery-Bin” could make an impact on their attitude.
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