Wonder Waterscape

Wonder Waterscape by knkakk from japan

designer's own words:

Our senses would be both informed and influenced through environments in our daily lives.
Wonder waterscape, a fish house project, consists of a crystalized form of water, that is in itself formless material. Both mathematical and topological operations modify a simple sphere, whose diameter is 700mm, and multiple relationships between inside and outside will appear within a mass of water. An extraordinary scene in usual fish tank product would stimulates our senses, and we'll find the new sights towards space and scapes. We are going to use urethane resin to realize transparent surface. Using advanced technologies such as 3d printing and CNC milling to form the mold, the craftmanship will be required to finalize the production process to layer thin resin skins. Now imaginary scapes could be captured through current technologies, and they would expand possibilities of our senses inherent.

overall view
Wonder Waterscape
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Wonder Waterscape
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Wonder Waterscape
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Wonder Waterscape
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Wonder Waterscape
natural light and water