winter forest

winter forest by natalia tsvetkova from russia

designer's own words:

The work “Winter Forest” was presented as a part of nature in the real winter forest as you can see on photos. I made my work as a part of nature & show the unite of “first nature”, created by God & “second nature”, created by person. Also I created the special environment with using real & hand made objects. This work can be presented in the interior too not only in nature. In interior the idea of exposition is showing work in space & the viewers can come inside the “Winter Forest” and feel themselves in some fantastic place. The idea of work comes from my childhood when I skied together with my mother in very snow forest, it was like some unreal place & I remember this impression till now. I think winter in very graphical & beautiful time with a lot of white structures that can be realized in textile art. Textile art today has a lot of ways for development: 2-dimentional, 3-dimentional, weaving, felting, etc. For me textile art is part of space, some environment where you can walk, that you can touch, where you can “lost yourself” or find your unreal forest. All works were weaved by the hand loom in traditional weaving way.

General view.

copy_435_02.jpg Fragment.

copy_359_03.jpg Top view.