Windy by yeonheejang from korea
designer's own words:
“Windy has The Nature as its Design concept.”
Lighting is supposed to be something close to natural light which is more comfortable to eyes and doesn’t give any impact on human bodies. OLED is a spectrum close to natural light, taking one step close to the nature. However, OLED is lighting rather than the light of the nature. Sun has its light change from sunset and sunrise to cloudy days and sunny days which are beyond our control.
If existing lighting was fixed, OLED became much thinner and it's capable of implementing the fluid display. We created lighting with more natural elements, irregular light and its shape changed by wind blowing.
Windy’s motif comes from WIND BELL. The sounding part of WIND BELL, the bell is replaced with a decompression sensor. When wind blows, the steel rod hits the sensor and OLED colors spread like water painting. From OLED to decompression sensor, high techs are applied, but prior On/Off control are applied, so that anyone can naturally get used to this avoiding any inconvenience.
This is just a hanging lighting.
Concept : Roof tip’s wind bell, roof tip’s Windy.
Wind waves OLED and light spreads out.
Use : Pull in Windy to control switch.
pull switch, decompression sensor, OLED type 200*50.
You may express thin OLED’s even fluttered by wind blows.