wind vision – 6 vision wind powered urban advertisement panels by arash aharpour from denmark
designer's own words:
Wind vision – 6 vision wind powered urban advertisement panels
Wind vision is a mechanical device, powered by wind without any electronic control system. System controlled and powered totally mechanical by wind and there is no need to any complicate control system or energy converting system.
Device used as urban “Multi vision” advertisement panel and can install easily in every corner of city.
Three possible status for each mode are: “Fixed” (not rotating), “Continues rotating” and “Step by step rotating” (rotates 120 degrees and stops for a while and then rotates another 120 degrees and so on)
Mode 1: 3 vision panel - Panels are parallel to center column’s tangent
Mode 2: 3 Vision panel - Panels are perpendicular to the center column
Mode 3: All 3 panels are printed in both sides and by step rotating (120) one of panels rotates 180. In a whole round rotation (360 degrees) all 3 panels rotate to their backs and in next 360 degrees rotation all will be rotate to their original position.
what is wind vision
how it works?
3 working modes