WIND IT. by Jan Dams from uk
designer's own words:
Wind IT brings out the shear sense of anticipation in users by making them expect certain results, knowing that not all anticipation can be channeled through an object. The mental barriers that we have imposed on ourselves complicate our understanding and eventually limit our experiences.
The goal is to make people understand how anticipation can lead to a limitation of experiences. By Using Wind IT as an example to question pre judgment. It’s simple winding key leads to a variety of emotions due to its lack of function. These negatives can be witnessed around the world by millions of people of different cultures and religious beliefs. Something simple yet so effective makes one reconsider oneself.
The oak build leads to its solid and bulky characteristics. The melt of the natural materials triggers an individual reaction. However exploring this in depth, leads to a realization of cultural impact and its significance. Limit your expectations, Wind IT.
Interaction with wind it.
Winding the key.
The Prototype (1)
Key and hole
Top of Prototype
The Prototype (2)