White Christmas by Shivangi from india
designer's own words:
The proposed concept is a Kinetic installation.
The form consists of four tiers of claw like structures that are made up of crystals. Each tier simultaneously moves outwards and inwards to mimic the shape of a tree. The structure is lit from the inside thus illuminating the entire structure.
The semicircular mirrored structure that surrounds the tree has tinted reflective surfaces. The crystals form reflections on the mirrors which cover a surface area of 180 degrees.
The installation is a contemporary take on a christmas tree. The crystals/shards represent snow. The installation provides an experience to the visitor when he enters the space.
Materials: The semi circle structure consists of tinted mirrors (4 no's), the Claws are made from crystals which are attached to metal rings (8mm thickness). Gears with a motor are used to control the movement of the claws. The rings are lit from the inside with white light so that the entire structure is illuminated.
Top view
Material Specifications
Concept note
Front view