What's missing from the future?

What's missing from the future? by vincci chak from canada

designer's own words:

What’s missing from the future?

The idea behind this poster is to show an idea of the future from a child’s eye. If you told a child today to draw their surroundings or imaginative worlds often they would contain trees, blue skies, green grasses, the sun etc. My picture would reflect a future of a child and the question focuses on the main point. What is missing from the picture? I’ve circled the answer at the bottom as trees. The poster itself is of dark colors except for the wording in which I had hoped the longed length and greenness would make you think of the answer being trees. Everything else around the child’s picture actually reflects on the impact of loss of trees. The cockroaches appear due to the lack of trees that produce oxygen to decompose waste. Trees provide oxygen on earth to assist in the process of decomposition which oxidizes carbon to create heat to decompose waste. The cup with yellow water is similar to the results of Yellow River in China. Without trees there will be a great weakening of slowing down surface runoff that moves into water. Charcoal on the paper is to show without trees to absorb the carbon dioxide in the air then it would cause greenhouse effect in which the gases in the air increase. This prevents sunlight from escaping after reflecting off earth, and increases heat on earth. This makes weathers unpredictable and areas dryer. Trees are more vulnerable forest fires these fires than create charcoal residue which fuels its flames.
Within the picture is a family, a building and marks of black and charcoal markings. The color is to show the loss of color without trees and all it connects with. The charcoal markings are a hidden representation of increased pollution due to loss of trees because they act as a filter for us to remove carbon dioxide from the air.
With this poster there is a lot of hidden meaning but in the end I hope to send the message of what a world without trees would be like. Colorless to our future and I have only touched briefly on a few points of importance of trees.

What’s Missing from the picture?