way to the god father by Andrii Kurovets from ukraine
designer's own words:
In this concept used non-traditional setting urn to the niche. In contrast to the traditional way of setting the urn to the niche, in this case an urn attached to the top of the niche. Urn include a big cap, Where the battery is placed and through the contacts created electrical contact between the urn and the niche and creates a neon glow. You only need to replace a discharged battery.
This concept represents the flight of the soul to heaven, to another world, where the soul join to god-father. This shape creates a sense of lightness and flight, blue sky appear a sky and urn appear a soul in heaven. On the other hand this form represents a drop of tears of people for whom the deceased was deary.
main viewcomponent parts and installation
niche neon glow
urn and cap components description