WAVES by Junichi from japan

designer's own words:

Technology have helped people to prepare for earthquakes by giving advance announcement of coming shake. Although a lot of earthquake information have been published through media such as TV and website, it would be accepted indifferently then people don't think it as own things. Consider own self while looking raw data with own eyes and always have a consciousness of a disaster, thus it's possible to anticipate the upcoming crisis.

An analog seismograph gives human a sense of shaking by providing a wave line and sound of drawing. WAVES gets realtime data from seismographs which are located at each part of the country, and draws all lines on a paper to make them possible to read through. In the result, people can pay more attention to the earthquake which they didn't feel but is actually happened.

All selected cities are aligned on a straight bar from north to south, east to west. Each pen draws a line based on shaking data of each city. Lines are drawn by disappearing ink on an endless belt paper, so that it always shows current situation.

Look waves around the country and anticipate up coming crisis.
The Locations