Wave table 02 by Studio Fredrik Skåtar

Wave table 02 by Studio Fredrik Skåtar by Fredrik Skåtar from germany

designer's own words:

Wave table 02
acrylic glass and aluminium
100X100X500 mm
amplitude: max 3mm
©2010-2012 Studio Fredrik Skåtar

Wave table 02 is made of acrylic glass through which objects visually seem to be under water.
The aim with this project is to "hide a sculpture" in a common object, in this case a table.
The sculpture materializes a shape that constantly occurs in nature, however we cannot see it because of our perception of time and movement. Here, the movement of water has been frozen and carved out as a sculpture. The table is a part of the project "From animation to sculpture" which was funded by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Konstnärsnämnden) in 2010.


