w32 by ben oostrum from netherlands
designer's own words:
Fed by our fascination for modularity and ceramics, tile design have been a
recurring subject within our oeuvre.
One of the designs we like to enter for the100% tiles contest is the W32 tile. The W32 is a 15x15 cm silkscreen printed tile design, named after a notorious computer Worm virus.
Our aim was to design a decorated contemporary modular tile without a relief so it can be used in catering establishments with strict hygienic rules. With a maximum of five different decorations (by choice completed with a monochrome tile) a great variety of patterns, including the entire alphabet, can be made. It's also possible to select just some of the different decorations, to create simple ornaments. You can imagine, the possibilities are unprecedented.
The W32 is printed on standard coloured tiles and can be made in a wide range of colour combinations.
prototype w32
computer drawing, worm
computer drawing, cross