W by En Públic from spain
designer's own words:
As entrepreneurs in start-up, we realized the shortcomings of the market to this target:
* Difficult access to capital, as well as bank loans or capital loan from private entities (CAPITAL).
* Difficulties in finding partners or collaborators to suit the needs of the company (COLLABORATION).
* Lack of professional support (MENTORING)
To design a new Deutsche Bank service, we start with these three premises, necessary for the company to reach success.
A service-based crowdfunding platform dedicated to help companies to raise capital and find talent, where:
* Company projects will be endorsed by Deutsche Bank, which will provide the confidence and security guarantees to its customers.
* Each customer will commit to the project company that will fully please, providing capital as an investor or a backer or contributing with talent as a collaborator.
* Deutsche Bank will provide advice and support to businesses.
* Each client will receive suggestions on projects based on its affinities and the company needs.
* The necessary resources will be provided for each company to carry out its planned growth and expansion projects.
Deutsche Bank will receive a commission from each economic transaction. It will also be the pioneer in the financial sector in providing such services and socially engage with this target.
Why? The needs of the new companies
What? A new service for customers and companies
Win Win. Everybody wins something
How? A new crowdfunding platform to raise capital and find talent
How does it work the platform? The company project
How does it work the platform? The customer