VO - motivational & safety glove for runners who run at dark

VO - motivational & safety glove for runners who run at dark by rachel oconnor from ireland

designer's own words:

The VO is a motivational glove designed to keep runners safe whilst running at dark. By using visual forms of instant bio feedback of performance, the VO helps motivate the runner whilst keeping them visible to oncoming traffic and making obstacles on the path easier to avoid.

The device is made from molded silicone so is flexible enough for the runner to change from open fist to closed. The silicone also keeps the electronics inside water tight

The silicone mold part is then stitched to a polyester glove to be worn by the runner

The main features of the VO are:

-the path light: the main function of the path light is to keep the runner visible from oncoming traffic, and illuminate the path below so the user can avoid objects on the ground that may cause a fall. Super bright micro LEDs are used for the path light.

-The heart rate glow light: the changing colours in the palm of the runner represent their heart rate. This is the core idea of the VO. Turning traditional numeric goals into engaging visual experiences for the user.

-The kilometer wheel: the 10 LED's represent one kilometer. The colour of the LED will light up depending on the average heart rate of that Km. After every run this gives the user a visual image of how their heart rate rises and lowers in colourful lights. Every run is different and unique.

In short, the VO gives runners confidence, keeps them safe, motivated and in a unique way helps enrich each running experience at dark

How it works
VO - motivational & safety glove for runners who run at dark
How to use it
VO - motivational & safety glove for runners who run at dark
on the users hand
VO - motivational & safety glove for runners who run at dark
all colours ambient glow
VO - motivational & safety glove for runners who run at dark
front not on a glove
VO - motivational & safety glove for runners who run at dark
front no text