Vintage Renault 4 by marco van leeuwen from netherlands
designer's own words:
i suggest a marketing strategy that makes it possible for the users to choose the recycled material and texture they want to apply to certain parts of the car. these are the iconic parts of the new renault 4. renault will predetermine the materials, colors and textures. when the customer co-creates these aspects of the car, a new form of personalized cars is born. this will release some tension on the existing design view of perfect, shiny, high gloss automobiles. it will be a car that reflects the character of the user and create awareness of sustainability overall. a true step forwards can only be a new way of looking at products such as these.
In addition to this marketing view, the users should be invited to travel to france by public transport to retrieve their new car. a weekend in france provided by renault. this way transportation of the cars is no longer necessary, releasing some impact on the environment. and again adding sentimental value and awareness for the user to their car.
marco van leeuwen