viic – double sided puzzle chair

viic – double sided puzzle chair by petar zaharinov from bulgaria

designer's own words:

viic is part of a collection called "coordinate". coordinate; because, in order to be assembled all parts must be moved coordinated in a special order. once assembled the whole structure is very stable and can not be destroyed by moving just one or part of its elements. the chair back of this “charleston” like furniture is elastic, providing space for movement and also interaction between the two seaters. It is made of beech plywood. this material is typical for the region and produced locally. the production process is very simple involving just a regular 2D CNC router. the finish is plant oil; for, it is harmless and natural. dissasembled, viic occupies little space and can be easily moved from one place to another. its name is a formal representation of the structure - "vii" is actually the roman digit 7 - the total number of elements and "c" comes from "chair".

viic assembly

copy_0_viic_16_people_all.jpg viic ussage

copy_0_viic_1.jpg viic assembled

copy_0_viic_4_side.jpg viic side view

copy_0_viic_5_front.jpg viic front view

copy_0_viic_6_elements.jpg viic elements flat pack