VICE   the door handle

VICE the door handle by muhamed cerimovic from bosnia-herzegovina

designer's own words:

The design is stripped down to two essential elements that are found in handles
- the circle: the sine qua non in handles as it conveys its functional essence
- the (simplified) keyhole: a symbol which fortifies our connection to doors as an association to security, privacy and mystery.

the keyhole shaped handle slides through the cylinder body much like on a vice. when positioned either for a left-hand or right-hand door, it is fixed with a security pin. the simplicity of form allows this to be made from just about anything: steel, wood, plastic, aluminium, glass, stone...

simplicity together with it's tough and raw appearance gives us an impression of everlasting quality and unfading aesthetics.

doorhandle2.jpg brushed metal finish

doorhandle3.jpg solid cherry wood and brushed metal finish

doorhandle4.jpg black granite and brushed metal finish