
Vento by luis valero from mexico

designer's own words:

the vento door handle has the intention to be the initiator of the experience when you enter to a space you grab the doorhandle it and it`s particular in form and material would instantly get in your memory and recognize as particularity of the space. following this thoughts the proposal experiment with form and material, the form in a double curve shape, following the natural way the hand grabs and object and make it attractive and recognizable to the eye and touch. material plays a very important rol as well, the two materials selected where industrial steel and chrome steel both with different properties and different feeling when you touch it.

materials selected industrial steel and chrome steel had quite different finish. The Industrial. steel should be not perfect finish, of course in the manner is comfortable to grab it but also with imprections when the material is just ellaborated. In the opposite way the chrome steel should be fine and elegant, with a carefull finish.

just like p. zumthor said “the door handle still seems to me like a special sign of entry into a world of different moods and smells”.


vento_isometry.jpg isometry

vento_industrial_steel.jpg vento industrial steel

chrome_steel_vento.jpg chrome steel