
Venetian by Alberto Lago Design from italy

designer's own words:

The proposed project is a convergent solution that utilises the OLED technology in curtain blinds. In particular, Venetian curtain blinds are utilised given their great adaptability to the OLED technology. The main idea is to replicate the perfect light conduction that naturally comes from the windows’ house during day time. Moreover, when the blind is blocking the direct sun light, the OLED system can replicate the sun without being problematic as the natural light, in some cases, could be.
Both wooden or plastic venetian blinds can be utilised with OLED attached to one or both sides of the horizontal slats. The lights can be automatically turned on when the slats are positioned almost vertically (angles greater than 70°) trough the standard chord pull system. The lights can also be turned on or off manually depending on the user needs. The venetian function is the same as in the case without light, i.e. it can be open or closed in the same manner. This gives the great flexibility of the system.
The design proposal is though to utilise rectangular 50mm wide OLEDs. In the proposed prototype 2x50mm strips are utilised on the sides with one 406mm strip in the middle, but this could vary based on the blind size. Moreover, different light patterns can be applied depending on the user needs and preferences. Given the great flexibility of the proposed system this can be applied to any commercially available venetian blind without major additional work.

Closed Venetian Blind with Light On and at only Certain Location
Comparison Closed and Open Venetian Blinds with Light On and Off Respectively
Comparison of Closed Venetian Blinds with different Light Patterns On
Detail of the Closed Venetian Blind with Light On and of the Rotation Chord
Detail of the Open Venetian Blind with Light Off and of the Rotation Chord